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Vol. 7 No. 4, April 2015 Copyright 2015 by Wolf
J. Rinke www.easyCPEcredits.com
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"Scientists have found that doing a [random act of] kindness produces the single most reliable momentary increase in well-being of any exercise we have tested."
--Martin E. P. Seligman, author of Flourish
The Clinical Nutrition Manager's Handbook: Solutions for the Busy Professional
Edited by J. A. Grim, MPH, RD, LD and S. R. Roberts, MS, RD, LD, CNSC. Study Guide written by W. J. Rinke, PhD, RDN, CSP, C260, 28 CPEUs, $189.95.
(Book, 271 pgs and study guide, 30 pgs.) This handbook, written by a distinguished group of experienced clinical nutrition managers, surveys best practices, and offers practical tips and tools to help clinical nutrition managers succeed. You'll find advice on:
--Hiring, managing, and developing your staff
--Budgeting, managing finances, revenue generation, and business plans
--Statutory and regulatory issues
--Quality control in foodservice operations
--Quality management and improvement
--Productivity and time management
--Strategic planning
--Innovations and trends in clinical nutrition
--Nutrition informatics
--Conducting clinical research
Whether you are a new or experienced clinical nutrition manager, this handbook belongs in your collection of essential professional resources!
For more information and customer comments, click here.
Approved/Accepted by CDR, CBDM, NCBDE
For RDs & DTRs: Suggested Learning Need Codes for the Prof. Dev. Portfolio:
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For more info or to order go to http://www.wolfrinke.com/CEFILES/C260CPEcourse.html.
Reminder: Meet your 5 year ethics requirement with our FREE Ethics CPE program, C237E, 2 CPEUs. Developed in collaboration with CDR. Free with purchase of any CPE Program, available in electronic format only! For more information and customer comments, click here.
Peanuts may help your patients live longer
This large cohort study analyzed data on 206,029 adults, most in their 50s. 35% of the total were from the US, and 65% were from China. Those who consumed the most peanuts, an average of slightly more than half an ounce of peanuts per day, were 17% (for the Chinese) to 21% (for the Americans) less likely to die during the study 5-12 years study period. The researchers concluded: "Nut consumption was associated with decreased overall and cardiovascular disease mortality across different ethnic groups and among individuals from low SES [low socioeconomic status] groups. Consumption of nuts, particularly peanuts given their general affordability, may be considered a cost-effective measure to improve cardiovascular health."
ACTION STEPS: Help your patients become more knowledgeable about how to live a longer and healthier life. When you enter the keywords "cardiovascular health" in the search field at www.easyCPEcredits.com you will find about 60 different CPE programs addressing this topic, including "101 Foods That Could Save Your Life" (C204), available at http://www.wolfrinke.com/CEFILES/C204CPEcourse.htm.
Source: HN Luu, et al., Prospective Evaluation of the Association of Nut/Peanut Consumption With Total and Cause-Specific Mortality, JAMA Intern Med. Published online March 02, 2015, http://archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=2173094.
To get triple savings on all of our easy to use, high quality CPE programs go to www.easyCPEcredits.com. See coupons below, and programs on sale in our bargain corner.Remember-Free Shipping on orders over $200 (usually just 2 courses).
For our tech savvy customers you can save time and even more money by ordering electronic programs at http://www.wolfrinke.com/CEFILES/ecourses.htm
(E-courses available for download immediately upon placing your order).
by Wolf J. Rinke, PhD, CSP, RDN
In July Superwoman and I will be celebrating our 47th wedding anniversary. After my presentations I'm sometimes asked what we do that helps us stay in love for the long term. I will share that with you shortly, but first let's take a look at what destroys relationships. Dr. Gary Smalley (http://www.smalley.cc/), who I heard speak a number of years ago, refers to these as the four "relationship germs." According to his research these "germs" cause more than 90% of all marriages to fail. And, by the way, they will have the same impact on all your other relationships, may they be friends, team members, children or others.
Germ #1: Belittle Others Because You Feel Superior
Let others know that you are better than they are. You can communicate this with your actions, words and deeds. By far this is the most important relationship buster. So if you are tired of your spouse, just start belittling your mate and you'll be divorced before you know it. And while we're at it, let me remind you that every time you make another person look bad, you are letting that person know that your self-esteem is not okay. Why? Because people with high self-esteem routinely make other people look better than themselves.
Germ #2: Look For the Negatives in Others
To do this focus your mental energies on the other person's weaknesses. Since all human beings have strengths and weaknesses, you are bound to find many. The trouble is that once you find these weaknesses, your selective perception will continue to confirm them. At the same time you will begin to treat positive perceptions as exceptions. In essence, you will confirm bad stuff and deny the good stuff. (A really miserable way to go through life!)
Germ #3: Withdraw From an Argument
Withdrawal is particularly destructive because it stops any negotiation or discussion dead in its tracks. Although it is a good strategy to "cool off," it represents a lose-lose strategy unless one party is willing to pick up the pieces at a later time. Remember that the only difference between salad and garbage is... time. And if you let arguments fester, they will become "garbage." (What are you waiting for--laugh already.)
Germ #4: Escalate an Argument
A good way to get into a real fight is to fight fire with fire. This "eye for an eye" approach requires you to get down to the other persons level, and it insures that the meanest, nastiest, and most obnoxious party wins by decimating both parties' sense of self-worth. The longer you keep it up the harder it will be to repair the damage. (Want proof positive on a macro level? Just look at the Middle East.)
Destructive as these four may seem there is one strategy that single-handedly can diminish or overcome all four of these "relationship germs." Dr. Smalley calls this the "skill of honor." I refer to it as "love others the way they are--not the way they ought to be." (Steal that from me and relentlessly practice it.) That is, you selectively focus on what is right about others and let them know about it. Dr. Smalley's research confirms that the rate of divorce is inversely correlated with the "honor" each party bestows on the other. Lower the honor in a marriage and the divorce rate goes up. Increase the honor and it goes down. Similarly Professor Marty Seligman's research reported in his latest book Flourish, tells us that you need a 5:1 "Losada ratio" to predict a strong and loving marriage. That is you need "five positive statements for every critical statement you make of your spouse" (p. 67). If you have less than a 3:1 ratio you are headed for divorce. Details at http://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/Default.aspx. To practice this skill start honoring your significant other because, like money in the bank, you must make deposits before you can earn interest. Once you master it with your spouse, extend it to all the other important relationships in your life.
Here are three other specific Actions Steps that will help you stay in love for the long term:
Step 1: Decide that your significant other is very valuable.
What is the difference between a Chevy and a limited edition Rolls Royce? They are both wheels that get you from point A to point B, keep you dry, etc. The difference is your perception! You perceive that a Rolls Royce is more valuable. Why? Because it is rare, and it costs more. What about a human being like your significant other? She is unique. (Sorry guys, we do have more trouble with this than women.) In fact there is not another human being in the whole wide world that is like her. She is literally "priceless." (If you are as much in love with your significant other as I am, then I'm not telling you anything new.)
Step 2: Compile an MVP (Most Valuable Player) list about your significant other.
Start right now to make a list about all the things you value in your significant other or anyone else you wish to form a strong relationship with. If you keep a journal, dedicate several pages for this purpose. If you don't, purchase a small, blank, expensive mini-book in your local bookstore, and call it your MVP book. Label the first page: "Here is what I love and value about my significant other." Now begin the list and keep adding to it every time you discover something else that fits the header. Make similar lists for other family members and critical people in your life. Any time you find yourself focusing on something negative about one of these people, open your MVP book and prove yourself WRONG!
Step 3: Tell your significant other how much you value her.
Get in the habit of focusing your mental energy on the positive attributes of your significant other and then let her/him know about it at least three times per day so that you can exceed the 5:1 positive to negative comments ratio. It's what Ken Blanchard refers to as "catching people doing things right." To achieve this goal with your significant other, get creative. If you are out of town, send her an e-mail that says: "I love you because (excerpt one item from your MVP list)." Before leaving for work leave him a Post-it note on the door, (yes, it applies to you ladies too!), and when coming home from a business trip bring her a bouquet of flowers or another thoughtful gift. If you run out of creative ideas just think of what you used to do when you were dating and replicate that behavior.
What about the other important people in your life--like family and friends? Here are four Actions Steps you can take to build positive relationships with them:
1. Get together on a regular basis for a game of cards, golf, or some other pleasurable activity. Put it on your calendar and make it a priority.
2. Be there for them during the good times--birthdays, weddings etc., and the bad--hospitalization, funerals etc.
3. Stay in touch on an ongoing basis via phone, e-mails, IMs, Tweets, or social media.
4. Take the initiative. We're all too busy. Pick up the phone and reconnect. Do it now! The quality of your life depends on it!
For other strategies that will help you live a happier, healthier and wealthier life devour Beat the Blues: How to Manage Stress and Balance Your Life (C242) approved for 28 CPEUs, available at http://www.wolfrinke.com/CEFILES/C242CPEcourse.html, or if you don't need CPEUs read or listen to Make It a Winning Life: Success Strategies for Life, Love or Business available at http://wolfrinke.com/MIWL.html.
"Positive Attitude: The Key to Peak Performance."
April 24, 2015. Maryland Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting, Lithicum Heights, MD. More info at http://www.eatwellmd.org/page.cfm?page=annual-meeting-2011.
Recommend me to the meeting planner of your upcoming state or local dietetic association and I will help make your next meeting a "howling success." As a way of giving back, I speak to ADA groups at significantly reduced rates.
How to fall out of love real fast:
Wife to husband of over 20 years: "Why don't you tell me you love me anymore?"
Husband: "I told you I love you the day we got married. If there is ever a change I'll let you know."
Dr. Wolf J. Rinke, RDN, CSP is the president of Wolf Rinke Associates--an accredited provider of easy to use CPE self-study programs for nutrition professionals since 1990 available at www.easyCPEcredits.com. He is also a highly effective management consultant and executive coach who specializes in building peak performance organizations, teams and individuals, and an author of numerous CPE home study courses, audio/video programs as well as several best selling management, leadership and self-development books including Make it a Winning Life--Success Strategies for Life, Love and Business. In addition he is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and seminar leader who delivers customized presentations that combine story telling, humor and motivation with specific "how to" action strategies that participants can apply immediately to improve their personal and professional lives. Preview a demo at www.WolfRinke.com or call 800-828-9653.
If you have questions, or would like him to address a specific issue or topic in this eNewsletter please e-mail him at WolfRinke@aol.com.
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