List of All Courses The New CPE
Vol. 6 No. 9, September 2014 Copyright 2014 by Wolf
J. Rinke www.easyCPEcredits.com IN THIS ISSUE INSIGHT BREAK 1. HOT OFF THE PRESS Reminder: Meet your 5 year ethics requirement with our FREE Ethics CPE program, C237E, 2 CPEUs. Developed in collaboration with CDR. Free with purchase of any CPE Program, available in electronic format only! For more information and customer comments, click here. 2. NUTRITION NEWS YOU CAN USE 3. HUGE SUMMER SALE 4. HOW TO MAINTAIN A POSITIVE ATTITUDE--PART I The economy seems to be improving at a snail's pace. Mortgage payments overdue. Friends and family members losing their jobs. And the "Powers-That-Be" keep wanting me to do more with less. And you want me to have a positive attitude? You've got to be kidding, right? Actually I'm not, and here is why. Why attitude? A relatively new branch of medicine--psychoneuroimmunology--studies the relationship between mental attitude and health. Physicians have found that a positive attitude can result in faster recovery from surgery and burns...more resistance to arthritis and cancer…improved immune function, and yes help you live a healthier, happier and even wealthier life! The reason is that our brain produces substances--neuropeptides--which transmit chemical messages that "manage" our immune system. When you think positively, these messages enhance your immune system and enable you to stay healthy. On the other hand when you are depressed, they tell your body, why bother?As a result you get even more depressed and it becomes a vicious downward cycle. Instead you can choose to build and maintain an attitude of gratitude. Here's how: • Start your day softly. Use a clock radio that wakes you up with soft and pleasant music. Don'twake up to a loud clanking alarm. Think about it: why start your day "alarmed"? • Start slowly. Allow yourself enough time to prepare for the day's activities at a civilized pace. Instead of getting up at the last possible moment, get up at least 15 minutes earlier than you have to. Your body won't be able to tell that you got 15 minutes less sleep, however your day will unfold in a much more positive and unhurried way, and make you feel better. • Focus on the good stuff. Each day think of three specific things you can be grateful for while sitting on the "throne." Here is what I typically think of: First, I'm grateful to be in love with my "Superwoman"--the young lady I've been happily married to for over 45 years. Second, I'm proud to be a parent of two successful daughters, and a grandparent to two absolutely wonderful grand-daughters, and third, I'm grateful to be in a profession that enables me to help others improve the quality of their lives. (Come to think of it the last one applies to you as well.) Do this every day! Don't worry about how original you are. I'm not, and it works for me. • Take advantage of the "throne." Keep a positive, motivational book in your bathroom near the throne. (A great one is "Make it a Winning Life: Success Strategies for Life, Love and Business," by yours truly, available at http://wolfrinke.com/MIWL.html. Or any of the "Chicken Soup" books by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen). Any time you feel down, turn to an inspirational part and give yourself an instant positive check-up-from-the neck-up. • Start positively. Think about the positive things you expect to accomplish today. Don'tlisten to the local news of who killed whom or worry about your own problems while you are getting your day started. Instead focus on the good stuff--because whatever you focus on, you tend to get. (That's referred to as selective perception.) • Exercise. Do it for about 30 minutes/day or until you sweat. (Given that you are likely a woman, I know that you don't sweat, you glisten. Are you smiling?) In cool temperatures it means that you are probably close to 80 percent maximum heart rate. I know it's tough. However, for every hour you exercise you will add about two hours to your life expectancy plus you improve the quality of your life in your later years. • Make yourself laugh. If you read the paper while eating breakfast, skip the negative "stinking thinking" local news. Skim the headlines to keep yourself informed. Most importantly, read the comics before you put the paper away, and be sure to make yourself laugh. Yes, I said MAKE yourself laugh! Laughter is powerful way to stimulate endorphins which will help you feel better, faster. (Need help? Go to the "Humor Break" in Section 6.) • Make the most of your commute. Listen to motivational or educational CDs on your way to work. It will make your commute appear much shorter and get you motivated for another great day. (What's not to like?) • Give love. Find something positive to say to your spouse and children and be sure to tell them how much you love them before they or you leave home. Don't pick on them as the last thing you do before you see them off to work or school. The "recency effect" will cause them to remember it for a disproportionately long time. In the next issue I will share several other hard hitting strategies to enable you to maintain a positive attitude. In the meantime, if you like more in depth help read my Develop a Positive Attitude: Live a Healthier and More Productive Life CPE program. It is approved for 10 CPEUs and is available at http://www.wolfrinke.com/CEFILES/C230CPEcourse.html. Here is what one reviewer had to say about this powerful CPE program: 5. HEAR WOLF "HOWL"--I MEAN SPEAK 6. HUMOR BREAK Source: Make it a Winning Life Perpetual Calendar, http://www.wolfrinke.com/calendar.html 7. ABOUT THE EDITOR 8. PRIVACY STATEMENT AND SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION |