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Blood Pressure Down:
The 10-Step Plan to Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Weeks Without Prescription Drugs

Book by Janet Bond Brill, PhD, RD, LDN
Study Guide by Krista Ulatowski, MPH, RDN

20 CPEUs

(Book, 338 pgs & Study Guide with 1 Reporting Form, 25 pgs)
Fully 56% of diagnosed patients do not have their blood pressure under control. This CPE program will enable you to help your patients lower their blood pressure without the potential dangers and side effects of prescription medications, so that they can live a longer, heart-healthy life.

For more information and customer comments, click here.
Approved/Accepted by CDR, CBDM, NCBDE

For RDs/RDNs & DTRs/NDTRs for the Professional Development Portfolio

SUGGESTED Learning Need Codes::
4000, 4040, 4060, 5000, 5160, 5260

SUGGESTED Performance Indicators (PIs):
3.3.5, 6.3.11, 8.1.4, 8.1.5, 8.2.4, 8.3.1, 8.3.6, 8.4.1, 9.4.5, 10.2.9, 12.4.6

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Per CDR you may use ANY PI or CODE as long as it relates to your Learning Plan.
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C254F 20 CPEUs

Blood Pressure Down:
The 10-Step Plan to Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Weeks Without Prescription Drugs

Book by Janet Bond Brill, PhD, RD, LDN
Study Guide by Krista Ulatowski, MPH, RDN

© 2014 Wolf Rinke Associates. All rights reserved for this self-directed accredited learning program. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission, except for brief excerpts, is prohibited.


Linda Wollerton: "The Appendix has a lot of good information to pass on to my clients. I was happy with the emphasis on lifestyle changes vs. medication to treat HBP."

Marianne Howison: "I felt that this book was a great balance of clinical and concrete information that we can give the lay public. Very helpful to my outpatient practice at an HMO."

Carol Walton: "Very thorough review of all aspects of hypertension and related dietary issues."


Welcome to the pre-approved, accredited CPE program for Blood Pressure Down. The program consists of a book of the same title by Janet Bond Brill, PhD, RD, LDN and this study guide. The CPE program is designed to help you counsel your clients with regard to specific dietary strategies and tactics to aid in lowering blood pressure. It is also designed to help you earn 20 Level 2, Continuing Professional Education Units (CPEUs).

To get the most out of this CPE program, it is suggested that you adhere to the following four steps:

  • Review the objectives in this study guide.
  • Read and study the book.
  • Assess what you have learned by answering the self-assessment questions in this study guide.
  • Compare your answers to the answer key, which you will find at the end of the study guide. If you scored at least 80% (40 questions) correct, you have completed the program and are ready to transfer your answers to the CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION REPORTING FORM in front of this study guide. If you scored less than 80% correct, re-read the appropriate sections of the book and until you score at least 80% correct.

After you have successfully completed the program, complete the CPE REPORTING FORM and:
Submit on-line at www.easyCPEcredits.com,
Or fax to: (410) 531-9282,
Or mail to: Wolf Rinke Associates, 721 Valley Forge Road #486, Valley Forge, PA 19481

We will email your Certificate of Completion.

When you submit your CPE Reporting Form to us via www.easyCPEcredits.com, fax, or mail be sure to write your correct email address in the space provided on the CPE Reporting Form. If writing by hand, be sure to print your email address clearly.

To ensure that our emails are delivered to your inbox (instead of your junk/spam folders), please add cpesupport@wolfrinke.com to your Address Book or Safe List of allowed email senders. Also, be sure to allow attachments from this email address.


Upon completion of this CPE program you will be better able to:

  • Discuss the prevalence of hypertension in the U.S.;
  • Differentiate between prehypertension and hypertension, primary vs. secondary high blood pressure, and systolic vs. diastolic blood pressure;
  • Evaluate causes and variables affecting one's risk of having high blood pressure;
  • Discuss risks of having high blood pressure and its effect on the body;
  • Counsel clients regarding specific benefits for lowering blood pressure;
  • Recommend lifestyle therapy over medication for treatment of high blood pressure, when appropriate;
  • Recommend foods that may aid in lowering blood pressure;
  • Communicate potential health benefits of following the Blood Pressure Down method to lowering blood pressure;
  • Apply findings from recent research when counseling clients about prevention and treatment of prehypertension and hypertension;
  • Counsel clients regarding benefits of weight loss in lowering blood pressure;
  • Provide guidelines for weight management in clients with high blood pressure;
  • Calculate sample caloric intake patterns for clients with high blood pressure;
  • Assist clients in understanding benefits of consuming a low-sodium diet;
  • Educate clients on reading ingredient lists so as to avoid processed, high-sodium foods;
  • Discuss the mechanism by which sodium raises blood pressure;
  • Identify potential areas of difficulty in meeting nutritional needs, whether supplementation is recommended, and any potential food-drug interactions for clients taking blood pressure medication;
  • Assist clients in meeting recommended intakes for sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and essential fatty acids;
  • Suggest ways to increase absorption of vitamins and minerals that are key to lowering blood pressure;
  • Evaluate key nutrients for clients with high blood pressure and recommend acceptable food sources for each of these nutrients;
  • Discuss potential benefits of dark chocolate and red wine in lowering blood pressure;
  • Apply findings on the nutrient needs of clients with high blood pressure; and
  • Assist clients with understanding the importance of quantity and type of exercise best for lowering blood pressure.


Foreword by Emil M. deGoma, M.D.
Understanding the Problem
High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer
Blood Pressure Down: A Potent Natural
Combination Therapy
Step 1: Lose Five Pounds
Step 2: Cut the Salt
Step 3: Eat Bananas
Step 4: Eat Spinach
Step 5: Eat Yogurt
Step 6: Eat Soy
Step 7: Eat Dark Chocolate
Step 8: Drink Red Wine
Step 9: Take Four Supplements
Step 10: Exercise
A Few Closing Words from Dr. Janet
Appendix 1: Quick Guided Imagery Exercise Guidelines
Appendix 2: Ten-Step Daily Checklist
Appendix 3: Body Mass Index Calculations
Appendix 4.: Blood Pressure Progress Chart
Appendix 5: Chef Card: Slashing Salt In Restaurants
Appendix 6: Minerals Pocket Charts
Appendix 7: Sample Blood Pressure Down Meal And Exercise Plans
Appendix 8: Heart-Healthy Recipies


Janet Bond Brill, PhD, RD, LDN is a nationally recognized expert in cardiovascular disease prevention and the author of Cholesterol Down and Prevent a Second Heart Attack. She has been a nutritionist in private practice for many years. Visit her at www.drjanet.com.


Krista Ulatowski, MPH, RDN is a Seattle-based dietitian and public health professional who holds her Master's degree from the University of Washington. She specializes in nutrition education, consumer research, and food and beverage marketing and promotion. Follow her at @PhytoK or send an email to krista.ulatowski@gmail.com.

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