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Win-Win Negotiation:
Fail-Safe Strategies to Help You Get More of What You Want, Third Edition

20 CPEUs


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20 CPEUs
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This CPE activity shows you how to stretch your budget and get more for less! Whether you are shopping for food, a gift or a car, Wolf will show you how to pay less, and even help you get a pay raise. Plus he will share fail-safe negotiation secrets which will enable you to make up to one million dollars more in compensation over a 50 year professional career. This CPE program will pay for itself many times over, and teach you how to:

  • overcome the fear of negotiation,
  • take advantage of the three crucial variables in all negotiations,
  • apply five steps that will enable you to achieve win-win outcomes,
  • deal effectively with "tough" negotiators who want to take advantage of you,
  • master specific negotiation "gambits" to get more of what you want.

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20 CPEUs
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Win-Win Negotiation:
Fail-Safe Strategies to Help You Get More of What You Want, Third Edition

© 2024 Wolf Rinke Associates. All rights reserved for this self-directed accredited learning activity. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission, except for brief excerpts, is prohibited.



To provide you with specific fail-safe strategies that will enable you to achieve more win-win outcomes and help you get more of what you want.


As a result of studying and applying the concepts presented in this self-directed accredited learning program you will be better able to:

  • Master six specific steps that will enable you to receive a significant increase in compensation.
  • Overcome compensation inequities between men and women.
  • Distinguish between the three basic types of negotiation.
  • Recognize the five variables that must be present to achieve win-win outcomes.
  • Identify the five basic styles of negotiation.
  • Recognize your preferred negotiation style.
  • Identify expected outcomes associated with different negotiation styles.
  • Apply the negotiation style that will enable you to get more of what you want.
  • Master the top eight habits of highly effective negotiators.
  • Recognize that people are very poor communicators.
  • Master nine communication strategies that will facilitate win-win negotiations.
  • Apply five laws that will enable you to persuade and influence others.
  • Master four strategies that will cause others to like you.
  • Recognize why you must be willing to Walk Away.
  • Distinguish between your BATNA, WAP and ROSA.
  • Discover why it is to your advantage to negotiate over interests, not positions.
  • Separate option generation from decision making.
  • Discover when it is beneficial to resort to objective criteria.
  • Take advantage of the three crucial variables in all negotiations.
  • Master five rules to make time work for you.
  • Describe the six types of social power.
  • Apply the five steps that will enable you to achieve win-win outcomes.
  • Recognize and apply eighteen specific tactics and counter tactics (gambits) to insure that tough battlers do not take advantage of you.
  • Make others glad that they negotiated with you.
  • Dramatically improve your ability to achieve win-win outcomes.


Wolf J. Rinke, PhD, RDN is the president and founder of Wolf Rinke Associates, a company that has provided high-quality CPE programs to nutrition and dietetics practitioners since 1990.
Dr. Rinke earned a BS at Drexel University, an MS at Iowa State University, a PhD in Continuing and Vocational Education (Adult Ed) at the University of Wisconsin, and interned at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He completed a test item writer workshop sponsored by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR).
Dr. Rinke is a past Adjunct Associate Professor, Graduate School of Management & Technology at the University of Maryland, and a former Adjunct Faculty Member of the School of Continuing Studies at The Johns Hopkins University.
He has served as past president of the District of Columbia (DC) Dietetic Association and has been honored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics with the Award for Excellence in the Practice of Management, the Outstanding Dietitian of the Year Award, and the Outstanding Service Award, in addition to delivering the Lenna Frances Cooper Lecture.
Dr. Rinke has served in numerous leadership roles at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Chair of the Scholarship Committee for Dietitians in Business and Communications; Chair of the Communication Committee, Honors Committee, and Licensure Panel and Ethical Practices Task Force for the Commission on Dietetic Registration; Chair of the Area Coordinating Committee and Chair for the Code of Ethics; Member of the Resource for Education Programs Committee; Member of the House of Delegates; and Member of the Board of Directors.
Dr. Rinke is the author of more than 500 articles, numerous CPE self-study programs, and several popular books including Make It a Winning Life: Success Strategies for Life, Love and Business; Winning Management: 6 Fail-Safe Strategies for Building High-Performance Organizations; and Don’t Oil the Squeaky Wheel and 19 Other Contrarian Ways to Improve Your Leadership Effectiveness.
His popular CPE programs available at www.easyCPEcredits.com include:

  • Beat the Blues: How to Manage Stress and Balance Your Life
  • Time Management: How to Stretch the Time Rubber Band
  • Knock ‘em Alive Presentation Skills: How to Make an Effective Presentation for 1 to 1,000
  • The Power of Communication: How to Increase Your Personal and Professional Effectiveness
  • Manage Electronic and Traditional Meetings and Correspondence More Effectively
  • Delegation and Coaching: High Impact Strategies for Doing More with Less
  • High Impact Strategies for Achieving Peak Team Performance
  • Develop a Positive Attitude: Live a Healthier and More Productive Life
  • Goals—Your Road Map to Success
  • Manage Your Energy: Get More Done and Have More Fun
  • Contrarian Leadership: 21 Strategies to Improve Your Leadership Effectiveness.

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