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Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2015 Copyright 2015 by Wolf
J. Rinke www.easyCPEcredits.com
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"Time is an equal opportunity employer.
Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day.
Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day.
Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow."
--Denis Waitley
The PCOS Diet Plan: A Natural Approach to Health for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Hillary Wright, M.Ed, RD., C220, 20 CPEUs, (Book plus study guide.) was $124.95, NOW $99.95. (Save $25). (That is less than $5 per CPEU--What a bargain!)
This program is designed to assist you in working with clients and patients who have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), to facilitate your writing, media work, and/or presentations on PCOS, and to provide you with a wealth of practical information and support for you and your clients. Upon completion of this CPE program you will be able to:
- Identify the physical symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS);
- Interpret blood values for fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol; interpret blood pressure readings;
- Explain the benefits of protein at meals and snacks regarding satiety, protein's effect on the rate of carbohydrate digestion, and the resultant insulin response;
- Calculate the number of grams for protein and carbohydrate to consume when given the percentages for protein and carbohydrate based on a specific calorie intake;
- Evaluate hyperinsulinemia and explain the effect it has on the ovaries;
- Plus much, much more.
For more information and customer comments, click here.
Approved/Accepted by ADA, DMA, NCBDE
RDs & DTRs: Suggested Learning Need Codes for the Prof. Dev. Portfolio
2000, 2020, 2070, 2110, 3,000, 3030, 3040, 3060, 3080, 3090, 3100, 4000, 4030, 4040, 4060 4090, 4180, 5000, 5090, 5190, 5310, 5370, 5420, 5460, 6010
Reminder: Meet your 5 year ethics requirement with our FREE Ethics CPE program, C237E, 2 CPEUs. Developed in collaboration with CDR. Free with purchase of any CPE Program, available in electronic format only! For more information and customer comments, click here.
Fasting appears to fight obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer & Alzheimer's disease
An international group of researchers maintain that "emerging findings from studies of animal models and human subjects suggest that intermittent energy restriction periods of as little as 16 h can improve health indicators and counteract disease processes. The mechanisms involve a metabolic shift to fat metabolism and ketone production, and stimulation of adaptive cellular stress responses that prevent and repair molecular damage."
ACTION STEPS: Help your patients become more knowledgeable about best ways to stay healthy. When you enter the keywords "health promotion" in the search field at www.easyCPEcredits.com you will find 12 different CPE programs addressing this topic, including "101 Foods That Could Save Your Life", (C204),http://www.wolfrinke.com/CEFILES/C204CPEcourse.htm.
Source: MP Mattson, et al., Meal frequency and timing in health and disease, PNAS, 111(47), pub online Nov 17, 2014, http://www.pnas.org/content/111/47/16647.full.
To get triple savings on all of our easy to use, high quality CPE programs go to www.easyCPEcredits.com. See coupons below, and programs on sale in our bargain corner.Remember-Free Shipping on orders over $200 (usually just 2 courses).
For our tech savvy customers you can save time and even more money by ordering electronic programs at http://www.wolfrinke.com/CEFILES/ecourses.htm
(E-courses available for download immediately upon placing your order).
By Wolf J. Rinke, PhD, RDN, CSP
In Part 1 of this article you learned about:
--Goals--who needs them anyway?
--The system to success
--Dream a big dream
--Translating Dreams into Reality: Step 1
Now let's go on from there.
Translating Dreams into Reality: Step 2
To accomplish your lifetime fire-in-the-belly goals you identified in step 1, you need an incremental plan of action. Such a plan should define several intermediate and short-term objectives for each of your lifetime goals. If it works the way it is supposed to, you will have attained a lifetime goal once you have successfully completed all of the objectives supporting it. To ensure that your objectives work for you, I recommend that you make each objective S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. To facilitate this use the goal tracking forms in my new CPE program: "Goals: Your Road Map to Success."
Also be sure to identify the benefits you and your family will experience when you reach your goal. This is critical, because achieving your lifetime goals is a painful process and unless your reward is bigger than the pain associated with achieving the goal, it is likely that you will give up long before you achieve it.
Translating Dreams into Reality: Step 3
Now that you have identified the long-term and intermediate objectives you must accomplish in order to attain your lifetime goals, you need to identify the appropriate action plans that will help you get to where you want to go. Each objective may require a number of action or "baby" steps. Identify each action step, state when you plan to evaluate your progress, and estimate the date you plan to accomplish it. Be sure to transfer these dates and action steps to your calendar to help you track your progress and to remind yourself when to take the identified actions.
Once again establish an appropriate reward for yourself, your spouse, and your family when you complete each baby step. Be sure to always celebrate your successes, and have your family participate, so that all of you have something to look forward to that will help you stay on track. Review your goal tracking form on a specific day each week. Most people prefer Monday because it allows them to make plans for the entire week. (I've provided you with completed goal tracking forms in my new CPE program: "Goals: Your Road Map to Success," to help you visualize the entire process).
Translating Dreams into Reality, Or How to Eat an Elephant: Step 4
Having all these objectives and action steps may seem a bit overwhelming. It might feel like having to eat an elephant. To successfully eat that "elephant" supplement your intermediate objectives with daily action steps in the form of a "to do" list. An effective way to accomplish this is to start each day by defining six important things you want to accomplish that day. Prioritize these from 1 to 6 by looking at your lifetime goals (remember, they are on your desk on a 3 x 5 card, a Post-it® note, or your screensaver) and your intermediate objectives. If an activity listed on your daily to-do list contributes to one of your objectives or lifetime goals, assign it a high priority. If it does not, assign it a low priority, or do not put it on the daily to-do list at all, unless, of course, it is an integral part of your job, or your boss asked you to do it.
Start by accomplishing item number 1, number 2, etc., until the day is over. If you get interrupted during the day, review your list to make sure that you have not lured yourself away from the critical items on your list (the critical few). That takes a lot of willpower because, as you well know, it is so much more comfortable to keep yourself occupied with busywork (the irrelevant many). My strategy is to be tenacious about the top items on the list, with the result that most of the time--to the chagrin of my wife--I don't call it a day until they are done. I am, however, much more flexible about the less important items, and often carry them forward to the next day.
Remember: each day do as many of the top action items as you can, but don't fret about those you were unable to get done. Repeat the same process tomorrow, and every working day for the rest of your life, and watch yourself attaining your "dreams" faster. (If you like additional help with this you may wish to read my Time Management and/or Manage Your Energy CPE programs available at http://www.wolfrinke.com/cecredits.html.)
Translating Dreams into Reality: Step 5
Now that you've eaten that elephant it is important to increase the probability of achieving your goals to the maximum extent possible. And the best way to do that is to make your plans public, and establish an external feedback and accountability loop. The best way to accomplish that is to find a mentor or coach who ideally has been where you want to go. (Better known as learning from OPE--other people's experiences.) Once you have established a working relationship with such a person submit your completed Goal Tracking Form (see Exhibit 3-3 in "Goals: Your Road Map to Success") to her and then agree on a feedback schedule that works for both of you. (I have found that monthly works best.) All that is left now is to give it all you've got, and before you know it you will be well on your way to translate your dreams into reality.
Source: Excerpted from W. J. Rinke, Goals: Your Road Map to Success, C256, 5 CPEUs, http://www.wolfrinke.com/CEFILES/C256CPEcourse.html.
"Positive Attitude: The Key to Peak Performance."
April 24, 2015. Maryland Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting, Lithicum Heights, MD. More info at http://www.eatwellmd.org/page.cfm?page=annual-meeting-2011.
Recommend me to the meeting planner of your upcoming state or local dietetic association and I will help make your next meeting a "howling success." As a way of giving back, I speak to ADA groups at significantly reduced rates.
"My resolution is to stop procrastinating. I'm starting in early February."
Dr. Wolf J. Rinke, RDN, CSP is the president of Wolf Rinke Associates--an accredited provider of easy to use CPE self-study programs for nutrition professionals since 1990 available at www.easyCPEcredits.com. He is also a highly effective management consultant and executive coach who specializes in building peak performance organizations, teams and individuals, and an author of numerous CPE home study courses, audio/video programs as well as several best selling management, leadership and self-development books including Make it a Winning Life--Success Strategies for Life, Love and Business. In addition he is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and seminar leader who delivers customized presentations that combine story telling, humor and motivation with specific "how to" action strategies that participants can apply immediately to improve their personal and professional lives. Preview a demo at www.WolfRinke.com or call 800-828-9653.
If you have questions, or would like him to address a specific issue or topic in this eNewsletter please e-mail him at WolfRinke@aol.com.
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