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Vol. 5 No. 7, July 2013 Copyright 2013 by Wolf
J. Rinke
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"Never continue in a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined."
—Johnny Carson
Source: Make it a Winning Life Perpetual Desk Calendar, http://wolfrinke.com/calendar.html
Beat the Blues: How to Manage Stress and Balance Your Life, Second Edition,
Wolf J. Rinke, PhD, RDN, C242, 28 CPEUs, $169.95
This entertaining and highly informative program is, according to one reviewer, the best Dr. Rinke has ever written. It provides you with proven easy-to-apply action strategies that will help you manage stress, and balance and improve the quality of your life. You will learn how to:
- conquer stress
- energize yourself
- make yourself happy
- build lasting relationships
- keep your life in balance
- take really good care of your body
- achieve inner peace
- beat the holiday blues
- live a happier, healthier and a more productive life
For more information and customer comments, click here.
Approved/Accepted by CDR,CBDM
RDs & DTRs: Suggested Learning Need Codes for the Prof. Dev. Portfolio
1000, 1110, 1120, 4000, 4040, 4060, 4090, 6000, 6010, 7000, 7020.
Reminder: Meet your 5 year ethics requirement with our FREE Ethics CPE program, C237E, 2 CPEUs. Developed in collaboration with CDR. Free with purchase of any CPE Program, available in electronic format only! For more information and customer comments, click here.
Want to live longer? Eat like a Vegetarian.
In this study of 73,308 healthy adults who were followed for 19-39 years, vegetarians were 12% less likely to die compared to non-vegetarians. Mortality rates were lowest for vegans, lacto-ovo vegetarians and pesco-vegetarians.
ACTION STEP: Help your patients become more knowledgeable about the benefits of following a vegetarian diet. When you enter the keyword "vegetarian" in the search field at www.easyCPEcredits.com you will find ten different CPE programs, including "The Complete Vegetarian: The Essential Guide to Good Health," C218, approved for 30 CPEUs. (For details go to http://www.wolfrinke.com/CEFILES/C218CPEcourse.htm.) Many are available in an electronic format at http://www.wolfrinke.com/CEFILES/ecourses.htm
Source: M. J. Orlich, et. al., "Vegetarian Dietary Patterns and Mortality in Adventist Health Study 2" JAMA Intern Med. 2013;:1-8. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.6473., http://archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1691919, accessed 6/18/13.
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BTW--you can search CPEs by learning codes at our website. Just go to www.easyCPEcredits.com, type in the learning code you are looking for and the search engine will list all the courses that apply. It's another way to make your life easier.
by Wolf J. Rinke, PhD, RDN, CSP
Unemployment through the roof, an unending list of natural disasters, 105 e-mails waiting to be answered…stress accelerating at logarithmic speed! We certainly live in a very unsettling and stressful time. And yet I have found that you can achieve inner peace, even during tough times, by relentlessly practicing the following 11 strategies:
1. Be Where You Are
Achieving inner peace starts with learning to be in the present. Enjoy whatever you do in life fully. And the only way I know how to do that is give whatever you do your undivided attention. In other words I believe we have taken multi-tasking too far. A good example is what Superwoman, that's Marcela my life partner almost 45 years, and I saw on a trip to Ocean City, MD. It was a beautiful summer day. The temperature was perfect, the surf was incredible, and the water looked deliciously inviting. Most people were enjoying themselves and making the most of an awesome day—except a young couple with two toddlers about two blankets down from us. Mom had her hands full trying to keep the kids entertained, and what was dad doing? He had his cell phone glued to his ear, receiving and making one call after the other. In between calls he was checking his pager, and working fast and furious on his lap top computer. He might as well have been in the office, instead of on the beach with his family on an indescribably beautiful day. And he is not the exception. I routinely see people walking through airports talking to themselves. Actually they are talking on the phone. (Remember the old days when only the mentally challenged did that?) Many continue doing that when they check in at the gate even while the agent is trying to ask them a variety of questions. I see women putting on their eye shadow, attending to their screaming children, answering the phone…and doing all that while driving.
What's the bloody point? The point is that most of these people are not doing anything really well. (Research appears to support that it takes 50 percent longer to complete two tasks simultaneously than if they were done separately.) Nor are they experiencing all that life has to offer. To get the most out of life, you have to be in the present. We should give whatever we are doing our all. When we are on vacation, we should disconnect the electrical umbilical cords and really recreate. When we are working, we should give our present task our undivided attention; and when we are in a meeting, we should listen actively to whoever is speaking instead of formulating our next response so that we can impress everyone. The same applies to most other activities in our lives.
Here is what you can do to be where you are:
- Unless it is absolutely essential, do not give your home phone number to business associates or clients. (I do this and it works.)
- When you go on vacation, leave your beeper, cell phone and laptop behind. If you think you are that essential (which by the way you are not), call the office absolutely no more than once a day, and instruct the office to only get in touch with you in true emergencies. (Once a week would be better.)
- When at work, make it a practice to meditate or powernap for 20 minutes every working day. Close your office door, turn the phone over to voice mail and just relax. (The side benefit is that meditation may enable you to enhance your brain's plasticity to improve its structure and ability to function, and if you are a woman it may even help you get pregnant.
- Unless it is absolutely essential, do not give your cell phone number to business associates, clients or even friends. (I use my cell phone for only critical calls and emergencies.)
- Minimize multi-tasking. Do it only for tasks that you can do on autopilot. Absolutely avoid doing more than one thing when you are in the presence of another human being. It is rude, ineffective and a big waste of time.
2. Master the Art of Relaxation
Achieving inner peace requires you to master the art of relaxation, which is more than getting away from the day-to-day grind or even getting rid of stress. It is discovering activities that enable you to achieve positive and satisfying feelings. It is not about achieving or doing things but rather gaining satisfaction from just being, a feat difficult to master in our production oriented society where most of us feel guilty, or at least ill-at-ease, whenever we are not actively involved in accomplishing multiple tasks or doing stuff. One way to do this is to practice the following relaxation exercise that involves deep breathing, meditation and biofeedback.
- Sit comfortably and quietly.
- Tell yourself that you are going to use the next 10-20 minutes to rebalance, heal and relax.
- Surrender the weight of your body, allowing the chair or floor to support you.
- Close your eyes, gently cutting out visual stimulation and distraction.
- As you inhale, repeat to yourself: "I am"
- As you exhale, say: "relaxed"
- Continue to breathe normally and repeat: "I am" with inhalation, "relaxed" with exhalation.
- As your mind begins to wander, gently bring it back to the awareness of your breath and your statement "I am relaxed." Be compassionate and loving with your mind which wants to be somewhere else.
- Continue doing this for as long as you have established.
- To conclude, discontinue the phrase and slowly stretch your hands, feet, arms and legs, then your whole body.
- Open your eyes a fraction at a time—like the sun rising in the morning.
- Now you feel refreshed and are ready to return to your normal activities.4
3. Simplify Your Life
Most of us just have too much stuff. And all the stuff we have has to be attended to, maintained or taken care of. And that only adds to the stress in our lives, which in turn gets in the way of achieving inner peace. So take a look at all the things you do and have. Ask yourself: what is giving me pleasure and what is giving me pain? Then begin to get rid of those things that are taking away from the quality of your life—the stuff that gives you pain. For example, do you really need eight credit cards, or would you be better off if you had "plastic surgery"? Do your children really need to participate in six different activities or would one or two high quality events be enough? Do your children really need every new electronic toy that comes on the market or…I think you're catching on. Before you acquire anything new, ask: Is this a need or a want? If it is a want, put it back. Still not sure, ask: Is this going to make my life simpler or more complex? Then act accordingly. For example, is getting the next promotion going to make you happier and more satisfied? Or would you be happier if you had more time for yourself, your family and your community? Face it—more money will likely not make you happier. (Research tells us that we earn about three times as much as our grandparents, and yet we are not happier.)
4. Be Honest
Bernie Madoff, Anthony Weiner, Lance Armstrong…do I need to say more? But before you get too smug, better look in the mirror. Study after study has shown that virtually all people lie. We inflate our resumes, fudge our accomplishments, and exaggerate even inconsequential events. And when we lie, there is no trust, and without trust you can't have solid relationships; without relationships there is no love, and without love you won't have inner peace. Call me old-fashioned; I believe there is no excuse for lying, virtually none. (Sometimes a white lie that prevents another from being hurt is a good thing. It is, however, a slippery slope.) There is not even a good reason for exaggerating. Because if you do, you will have to talk from the head—checking your memory to make sure that you are consistent. And who can keep track of that, when most of us have trouble remembering where we put the car keys. Only by getting in the habit of always telling the truth—especially if it is at your own expense—will you be able to talk from the heart, and that will set you free, which in turn will put you on the fast track in any endeavor. It will also enrich your personal relationships and most importantly will get you to like and respect yourself—the foundation for achieving inner peace.
5. Think Empowering Thoughts
As a man thinks, so he becomes, is a well-known phrase. And yet most of the time, we are totally inattentive to our thoughts. It's almost like they run amok—totally out of control—doing their own thing. To achieve inner peace requires us to first become aware of our thoughts—instead of just letting them ruminate at the subconscious level. Second we must ask ourselves these questions: is this a thought that empowers me and makes me stronger, or does it make me feel mad, bad or sad. Thirdly, we must become aware that at any one nanosecond your mind can hold only one thought; it can be a positive thought that gives you inner peace and improves the quality of your life or it can be a negative thought that does just the opposite. This is very simple yet at the same time very difficult until you develop this powerful new awareness and transform it into a habit.
In the next issue of this eNewsletter I'll share six other strategies that will enable you to achieve inner peace even in tough times.
Source: W. J. Rinke, Beat the Blues: How to Manage Stress and Balance Your Life, 2nd Ed. (C242) approved for 28 CPEUs, from which this article was excerpted.
Aug 14, 13 "Winning Management: Building a Peak Performance Workplace", Columbus, OH. This full day seminar may be open to you if your company is a member of the Institute of Management Studies (IMS). Contact Mary Held, cleveland@ims-online.com for specifics.
Recommend me to the meeting planner of your upcoming state or local dietetic association and I will help make your next meeting a "howling success." Plus I will make you into a hero. As a way of giving back, I speak to ADA groups at significantly reduced rates.
Difference between men and women.
Why does it take about a million sperms and only one egg to make a baby?
Because all of those guys refuse to ask for directions.
Dr. Wolf J. Rinke, RDN, CSP is the president of Wolf Rinke Associates--an accredited provider of easy to use CPE self-study programs for nutrition professionals since 1990 available at www.easyCPEcredits.com. He is also a highly effective management consultant and executive coach who specializes in building peak performance organizations, teams and individuals, and an author of numerous CPE home study courses, audio/video programs as well as several best selling management, leadership and self-development books including Make it a Winning Life--Success Strategies for Life, Love and Business. In addition he is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and seminar leader who delivers customized presentations that combine story telling, humor and motivation with specific "how to" action strategies that participants can apply immediately to improve their personal and professional lives. Preview a demo at www.WolfRinke.com or call 800-828-9653.
If you have questions, or would like him to address a specific issue or topic in this eNewsletter please e-mail him at WolfRinke@aol.com.
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