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Vol. 4 No. 9, September 2012 Copyright 2012 by Wolf J. Rinke

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"Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition."
- Adam Smith

Renal Vascular Resistance and Diabetes, 2nd Ed., Vijaya Juturu, Ph.D., F.A.C.N., C232, 16 CPEUs, $129.95 (also available in electronic format).
This in depth self-study program (158 pgs) will enable you to apply concepts associated with renal vascular resistance and diabetes including:

  • Types of diabetes, complications and pathophysiology
  • Structure and blood flow of the kidneys
  • Hemodynamics and concepts of renal hemodynamics in diabetes
  • Glomerular hemodynamic and structural alterations
  • The role of the resistance index
  • Hyperfiltration and diabetic nephropathy
  • Determinants of renal vascular resistance
  • Conditions associated with renal vascular resistance
  • Assessments of the dynamics of renal vascular resistance
  • The management of renal vascular resistance

For more information and customer comments, click here.
To order the electronic version click here.
Approved/Accepted by CDR, CBDM, NCBDE
For RDs & DTRs: Suggested Learning Need Codes for the Prof. Dev. Portfolio:
2050, 3005, 5000, 5010, 5090, 5160, 5190, 5240, 5260, 5300, 5340, 5370, 5390, 5400, 5410

What is the #1 Source of Sodium in the American Diet?
Pick our #1 source from the following list, but be careful, it is a "trick question":
1. Savory snacks such as potato chips.
2. Meat mixed dishes,
3. Pasta mixed dishes,
4. Cheese,
5. Sandwiches,
6. Soups,
7. Poultry,
8. Pizza,
9. Cold cuts/cured meats,
10. Bread and rolls.
According to a study by the CDC, 44% of sodium consumed came from 10 food categories in the following order: bread and rolls, cold cuts/cured meats, pizza, poultry, soups, sandwiches, cheese, pasta mixed dishes, meat mixed dishes, and savory snacks. (That's correct, the above list is presented in reverse order, in other words bread and rolls are our #1 source of sodium and savory snacks such as potato chips are #10. (I told you that it is a trick question!)
ACTION STEP: Put "Low Sodium" into the "Search" block at and you will find four courses: C195, C215, C218 and C220 that will provide you with up-to-date nutritional advice that will enable you to help your clients reduce their sodium intake.

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by Wolf J. Rinke, PhD, CSP
You may consider much of the positive attitude literature a bunch of hype or even psycho babble. With this article my goal is to have you consider the science, and perhaps change your perceptions about this topic which has the potential to help you and your clients live a healthier, more productive, and longer life.

Positive Attitude and the Mind-Body Connection
Scientists and physicians have explored the mind-body connection since the days of Hippocrates, the father of medicine. However, Western medicine got off to a wrong start when, in the seventeenth century, René Descartes, philosopher and founding father of modern medicine, made a deal with the Pope. You see, Descartes had a dilemma. He needed human bodies for dissection to be able to study and teach medicine. However, the Pope was not interested in giving up those bodies because the church was in charge of the soul, the mind, and the emotions. So Descartes agreed that he would not in any way trespass on the church's exclusive jurisdiction as long as he could have the physical parts of the human body for his study. This resulted in Western medicine splitting the human body into two separate dimensions-psyche, the mind, and soma, the body-which has pervaded every scientific inquiry for the past two centuries. And it influences much of our thinking to this date. However, change-may it ever be so gradual-is taking place.
What are psychosomatic illnesses?
As nutrition professionals, we know of numerous diseases, called psychosomatic illnesses, which acknowledge this relationship. The term psychosomatic is from the Greek words psyche, which means mind, and soma, which means body. According to Mosby's Medical Dictionary, psychosomatic illnesses, also known as psycho physiologic disorders, refers to any of a large group of mental disorders that is characterized by the dysfunction of an organ or organ system controlled by the autonomic nervous system and that may be caused or aggravated by emotional factors. Included in this category are such common ailments as: tension headaches, body pains, upset stomachs, and more serious diseases such as depression, asthma, peptic ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, and neurodermatitis. Some physicians even include cancers. These ailments and diseases are so common that Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Mind Body Medical Institute at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, and author of "Timeless Healing and the Relaxation Response" stated in a Good Morning America interview that "...60 to 90 percent of visits to health care professionals are in the stress-related mind-body realm where surgery doesn't work, where medications don't work." Since then, numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of a positive attitude on one's perception of well being, wellness, and health.

Positive Attitude and Health
One example of the impact of a positive attitude on healing is a double-blind, randomized study of surgical patients undergoing hysterectomies. This study, which was reported in the prestigious British medical journal Lancet, found that patients who received positive messages during general anesthesia "spent significantly less time in [the] hospital after surgery, suffered from significantly shorter period of pyrexia [fever], and made a better than expected recovery" in comparison with the group that received no such messages.
A positive attitude can even reduce the incidence of strokes. Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston reported that individuals who had a positive outlook in their later years had far fewer strokes than their negative counterparts. This major study of 2,478 men and women older than age 65 who were followed for seven years concluded, "Elderly folks who often feel blue tend to have more strokes than those who are not depressed."
And optimism even appears to offer some level of protection from cancer. According to Sharot "A study of cancer patients revealed that pessimistic patients younger than age 60 were more likely to die within eight months than non-pessimistic patients of the same initial health, status, and age."
Similarly a study of almost 100,000 woman found that optimists had a 16 percent lower risk of having heart attacks, leading the researchers to conclude that "Optimism and cynical hostility are independently associated with important health outcomes in black and white women."

Positive Attitude and Longevity
How you express yourself may even predict how long you will live. An analysis of brief autobiographies written more than 60 years ago by a group of then-young Catholic nuns-who were participating in a study on aging and Alzheimer's disease-revealed that those nuns who chronicled positive emotions in their 20s have lived markedly longer than those who recounted emotionally neutral personal histories. Deborah D. Danner of the University of Kentucky in Lexington and her colleagues analyzed positive emotional content in life stories written by 180 nuns when they were, on average, 22 years old. The scientists then noted which nuns had died and when. Nuns whose stories contained the most sentences expressing any of 10 positive emotions lived an average of 7 years longer than those whose accounts included the fewest such sentences. The researchers also found that longevity increased by 9½ years for nuns whose life stories contained the most words referring to positive emotions and by 10½ years for nuns who used the greatest number of different positive-emotion words.
Optimistic people live 19 percent longer than pessimists, according to a 30-year study conducted at the Mayo Clinic. The study, which evaluated 839 people living in Minnesota, found that people classified as optimists had a significantly better survival rate, while pessimists had a 19 percent increase in the risk of death. These findings, according to Maruta, the lead researcher in the study, "Tell us that mind and body are linked and that attitude has an impact on the final outcome, death." Similarly, a 25-year longitudinal study of 660 people conducted at Yale University found that a positive attitude about old age was more important than wealth, gender, and even cholesterol levels in determining how long people lived. In fact people who had positive self-perceptions about aging lived 7.5 years longer than those who dreaded the thought.

Positive Attitude and Performance
It seems that positivism even impacts individual and organizational performance. For example, an article in the Harvard Business Review concluded, "Research shows that when people work with a positive mindset, performance on nearly every level-productivity, creativity, engagement-improves." In another study, researchers recorded how people express themselves in company meetings, and then take a ratio of positive to negative statements. (That is referred to as the 'Losado Ratio.') What they found is that: "Companies with better than a 2.9:1 ratio for positive to negative statements are flourishing. Below that ratio, companies are not doing well economically."
On a more personal level, another researcher used the same statistic by listening to couple's conversations and found that a Losado Ratio of 2.9:1 means that couples are headed for a divorce, while a 5:1 ratio is predictive of a strong and loving relationship.

Positive Attitude and Diseases and Illnesses
These studies represent only the tip of the iceberg. Studies increasingly link attitude to the body's propensity to ward off disease and illness. An entire new branch of medicine-referred to as psychoneuroimmuniology-has been established. One of these scientists, Dr. Candace Pert, research professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Georgetown University Medical Center and pioneer in the mind-body connection, has concluded that, "Virtually all illness … has a definite psychosomatic component, … [and that] the molecules of emotion run every system in our body … this communication system is in effect a demonstration of the bodymind's intelligence, an intelligence wise enough to seek wellness, and one that can potentially keep us healthy and disease-free … ."

It Can't Cure Disease
Before I leave this topic I would like to express a word of caution. What I have said in this article is that your attitudes, your thoughts, your feelings, and your emotions influence your well being, your health, and probably even your longevity. I am convinced that what goes on inside of your head will control your future. It is, however, much less likely to affect what has happened in the past or what is happening in the present. In other words, if you have cancer or some other serious disease you cannot just think positive thoughts and make the disease go away! In fact one author who suffered from cancer makes a compelling point that when tragedy strikes, anger, fear, and depression are reasonable responses. And telling someone to just "think positive thoughts" may indeed be counterproductive. What you need to do is get expert medical treatment. Once you have received such treatment, you can use your incredible positive attitude as an adjunct therapy to help you get better faster. You can also continue that type of positive programming after you have conquered the illness or disease and very likely decrease the probability of recurrence.
Source: Excerpted from W. J. Rinke, Develop a Positive Attitude: Live a Healthier and More Productive Life, Ch. 2. (CPE Home Study Course, approved for 10 CPEUs), Wolf Rinke Associates, Clarksville, MD, 2012,

Sep 28, 12 "Positive Attitude: The Key to Wellness and Peak Performance," Providence, RI, Rhode Island Certified Diabetes Outpatient Educators. Contact for specifics.
Oct 3, 12 "Increasing Your Personal Leadership Effectiveness", Los Angeles, CA. This full day seminar may be open to you if your company is a member of the Institute of Management Studies (IMS). Contact Michael Alley, for specifics.
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John, a true pessimist, had heard about the benefits of optimism and wanted to become an optimist as rapidly as possible. His friend, Denny, suggested that a fast cure for pessimism is to learn how to skydive. According to Denny, "Nothing in this world makes you an optimist faster than jumping out of an airplane." So after taking lessons, John was finally ready to make his first jump. Prior to taking him up for his first jump, the instructor reviewed what to expect:
1. When we get to the right altitude I will give you the signal, and you will jump.
2. Once you clear the plane, pull this cord.
3. In the event the chute does not open, pull the red emergency cord.
4. After you land, a truck will pick you up and take you back to your car.
Just like the instructor had said, after John had cleared the plane he pulled the cord.
Nothing happened. Then he pulled the red emergency cord, and still nothing happened. As he was hurdling to the ground, John said to himself, "This is just peachy, and I bet the truck won't be there either."

Dr. Wolf J. Rinke, RD, CSP is the president of Wolf Rinke Associates--an accredited provider of easy to use CPE home study programs for nutrition professionals since 1990 available at He is also a highly effective management consultant and executive coach who specializes in building peak performance organizations, teams and individuals, and an author of numerous CPE home study courses, audio/video programs as well as several best selling management, leadership and self-development books including Make it a Winning Life--Success Strategies for Life, Love and Business. In addition he is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and seminar leader who delivers customized presentations that combine story telling, humor and motivation with specific "how to" action strategies that participants can apply immediately to improve their personal and professional lives. Preview a demo at or call 800-828-9653. If you have questions, or would like him to address a specific issue or topic please e-mail him at


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